
"In teaching others we teach ourselves"  - Proverb


Class Overview:

In this class, students will learn the history of the United States from pre-colonization to the present day. This will include, but is not limited to: the cultural and social development of the United States, the role of migration and immigration in the development of the United States, industrialization, imperialism, exploration, and expansionism. The roles of Indigenous peoples, Blacks, Asians, women, and more will all be deeply explored because their history is American history. 


While lectures will be unavoidable, I will make every attempt to not rely on them. Students will be taking a central role in their learning of the curriculum through readings, projects, writing, and class discussions. While every effort will be made to differentiate instruction and present the material in a variety of formats in order to suit all learning styles, students and parents/guardians should feel empowered to come to me if they feel their educational needs are not being met.


Student Materials:


Every student will need:


  • A two-subject notebook or small binder with loose-leaf paper and tabs
  • Pens (blue or black ink only)
  • Pencils
  • Highlighters (any color)


Classroom Expectations:


  1. Students are expected to be in their seats when the bell rings.
  2. Students are expected to be prepared for class by bringing with them the classroom materials
  3. Students are expected to respect teachers, peers, and their property.
  4. Students are expected to adhere to the RSMS code of conduct and policies outlined in the student manual.



Student assignments, homework, classwork, and tests and quizzes will be graded as follows:


A = 90-100%

B = 80-89%

C = 70-79%

D = 60-69%

F = Below 60%


Graded assignments in the class will be weighted as follows:


Tests and quizzes: 35% of overall grade

Classwork and homework: 20% of overall grade

Assignments, projects, essays and papers: 45% of overall grade


Grading Policy:


Assignments are due by the end of the day on the day they are due. Any work turned in after the due date will be docked 20% unless prior arrangements have been made. If you are concerned that you won’t meet a due date, for whatever reason, I highly recommend you reach out to me as soon as possible.


ALL assignments, tests, and/or quizzes must be turned in by the end of the grading period to be eligible for credit. Anything turned in after the grading period will receive 0 points.


Absence Policy:


Absences are not always preventable. However, absences do not excuse students from any work that was done, due, or assigned during your absence.


Assignments: Assignments that were issued before your absence or were due during your absence will be due by the end of the first class meeting after your return, unless prior arrangements have been made. For assignments that are assigned during your absence, you will have one day for every day of your absence, plus one extra day, to complete and turn in any missed assignments, unless prior arrangements have been made. Any assignments turned in after the extensions will be graded according to the late work policy.  


Test and Quizzes: Must be made up within five days of your return for full credit and must be scheduled in advance. Do not wait until the last minute to try and schedule your make-up because I can’t guarantee that you will be able to make-up the test within the 5-day window. Make-up tests and quizzes will only be offered after school unless prior arrangements are made.


Retake Policy:


Grades are meant to reflect a student’s mastery of a topic or subject. As such, if a student wishes to resubmit an assignment they did not do as well as they’d hoped, they are welcome to correct any deficiencies and resubmit for more credit. Work originally submitted on-time will be eligible for full credit; work submitted late will be eligible for a maximum of 80%.


Students who receive a 70% or lower on a quiz or test may retake the quiz or test for more credit. Test retakes will occur after school unless other arrangements are made.


Cell Phone Policy:


School cell phone policy will be strictly enforced in the classroom.  



I have read and understand the expectations for Ms. Albertson’s social studies class


Period: ______


Parent / Guardian signature: _________________________ Date: __________


Student signature: __________________________________ Date: __________



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