True Stories

"Mol an oige agus tiocfaidh sí"  - Irish Proverb

  • A man in New York was arrested after sending sexually explicit texts and photos to an teen girl in Alabama. The two had met on an online gaming site and the man eventually learned the girl's cell phone number and email address. The police were notified after her parents found the messages. While the messages and photos had made the girl feel uncomfortable, she had been afraid to tell her parents. The Buffalo News
  • A 17-year-old high school senior in San Jose, CA committed suicide after being victimized in a sextortion scheme. After sharing a sexually explicit photo with the scammer, who was pretending to be a teenage girl, the scammer demanded $5,000 or else they would release the photo online and to his family and friends. CNN
  • In Australia, a 17-year-old girl posted a picture on Facebook of a large amount of cash at her grandmother's house. Hours later, two men broke into her mother's home, armed with a knife and a wooden club. After the mother told the men that her daughter and the money was not at the house, the men stole personal belongings and the cash they could find. BBC
  • A nationally recognized high school football star was expelled from his school and had scholarships from prestigous universities withdrawn after a series of racist and sexually explicit tweets. While his Twitter account was private, the teenager had over 1,700 followers. Bleacher Report
  • A 17-year-old boy in Washington State was convicted of child pornography and required to register as a sex offender after taking and sharing a sexually explicit photo of himself with a woman he knew. Juvenile Law Center
  • An 18-year-old student was expelled and had his college scholarship offers rescinded after posting the password to his English teacher's web portal on an internet message board. While intended as a harmless senior prank, the teacher was subjected to threats and sexually explicit insults from people located all over the world. CBSNews
  • A 16-year-old boy and his 16-year-old girlfriend were suspended after posting a photo of themselves holding airsoft guns that resembled realistic automatic weapons with the caption "Homecoming 2014" on the same day that a Washington State killed himself and five other students.
  • Over 50 students were suspended from a TN high school after a Tik Tok video of the students holding their cell phones like guns went viral. HipHopDX
  • A 17-year-old high school student was suspended from school and fired from his job after posting racist tweets in regards to a loss suffered by his favorite NHL team.
  • A 16-year-old Dutch teenager had over 3,000 people show up to her birthday party after accidently leaving the Facebook invite open to anyone. Six people were injured, a car was set on fire, stores were vandalised and looted. Six-hundred riot police responded and over 20 people were arrested. Daily Mail
  • A 15-year-old girl in England had her birthday party crashed by approximately 800 teenagers after posting about the party on her Facebook. It's estimated that the party crashers committed over $37,000 in damage. Daily Mail
  • A 15-year-old Canadian teen committed suicide after being cyber-bullied and stalked for years. Nine years after her suicide, a Danish man was extradited to Canada and is expected to stand trial in June 2022.

Sources & Further Reading:

Netsmartz: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

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